
X-23 Special! [Why So Serious Show]

Bring out your claws!

What is the Why So Serious Show? They're kinda all over the place. Sometimes they do parodies/tributes of fictional characters, sometimes they do reviews of toys and comic books, then there's the times they go to conventions and pester countless cosplayers with their obnoxious questions. They're just a bunch of dudes with some cameras in hand and too much free time.

In this installment, they're all about X-23, her origins, powers and two very cool segments; one with some live action scenes and the other as an animated comic book (with excellent voice overs!).

It is also my debut as hostess for the show.

Some behind the scenes shots:

the crew!

filming set-up at Tattoos and Comics

Eddie Lovecraft reading the script HE wrote for the 30th time...

whaddya want me to do thou!?

This installment of the Why So Serious Show was filmed at your friendly neighborhood comic shop: Tattoos and Comics!

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