Fang... let's try again.
Turns out I'll be wearing Fang again, this time for AWA. I lack the awesome wig styling skills of the gorgeous Tranquility and her epic Fang wig, so I ordered a pre-made one from Cosplay Station and it looks like it'll work alright.
I'm running into more trouble wearing wigs now that I've grown my hair longer... >_> add my big head + low forehead to the equation = oh noes.
The first time I wore this costume I was rushed to put everything on quickly and didn't have a reference picture with me. My make-up was too light and I didn't make my features too Fang-like, so I ran a test (on one side of my face >_<) with a darker skin tone, bronze highlights and a ton of eyeliner! I like this look much better :3
Now I should work on her accessories hmm...