

 I'm really proud that I made this costume myself! The gloves are kitchen gloves that were hastily painted at the last minute. Because I had never made pants before, there is a little hole in my crotch, but thankfully you never see it! 

What I am most proud about is that I got lycra in the colors I exactly wanted and I think it made a really good contrast with the rest of the group. Also, graffiti cans!!

Another good point about this costume, is that it gave me surprise cleavage!

 I wish I coulda had in-line skates too!!

Running away from the Rokkaku police!!

We decided to fight back against THE LAW!

Unexpected retaliation! I spontaneously covered my "good" eye.

Our Jet Set Radio Future Cosplay Group:

Photography by Morataya.

Even more people joined in to this cosplay group, but this was the one time that most of us got together, you can see the other awesome cosplays at the Jet Set Radio Cosplay Group Collection.


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  1. Looks like everyone got into the cosplay and love the action shots!



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