
What to cosplay for SuperCon?

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SuperCon is right on the horizon and with just about a month to prepare at least *ONE* new cosplay for this convention, I can't make up my mind from these 6...

  1. Jaycee in luchador outfit (Tekken): I'll admit that Tekken is my least favorite fighter, but after seeing the Yamashita bishoujo figure for Jaycee, it simply tickled me in all the right places.
  2. Athena as warrior goddess (SNK): mostly cuz SUMMER in Miami! I have a purple wig sitting around and figured nailing a bunch of Athena cosplays would put it to good use.
  3. Sailor Mercury (Takumy's Kill la Kill x Sailor Moon design): Mercury is my favorite senshi, I've never thought I got the right proportions for a standard sailor senshi cosplays... but I love Takumy's daring design, SuperCon is important since now she'll be an artist full time, and she's my homegirl, PLUS premiere of Sailor Moon Crystal on July 5th!?
  4. Chun-Li (Street Fighter) I already have big thighs, been working them out even harder. I think I can do her justice.
  5. Nidalee (Leage of Legends): I'll probably do my own take on this chara since her default has been done many times and the other skins are not very appealing.
  6. Shunya Yamashita design. For those that are good at stalking, you would know which is the costume I've had "in progress" for the past 2 years...

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  1. 2 (summer in miami) or 6 (you're already working on it).
    I'd be happy to see whatever you throw at us, however =)

  2. 6 for sure.
    Secondarily Jaycee, because I'm a tekken fan.



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