
Cosplay Artwalk!!

Well this happened a while ago (November 2010), but only now do I get off my butt to post them pictures :p
Starting with... CoCoNa!! That pink wall suited pretty nicely for my colors <3
This is Miss Cheryll in her Juni costume.
Miss Brady as Yuna from FFX.
Cosplay whizz InfinityInk888 in a Tron costume.
The lovely Vanessa as Euphemia from Code Geass.
Miss Otakitty whoring out her Cocona costume some more.
Cat as well, um, Black Cat!
A Stormtrooper!
Fancy ladies drinking some fancy tea.
Group shot of (most of) the cosplayers that came to the event :3
3-0-5 represent! This one was actually inside the gallery.

Afer this we walked around Wynwood were many art hipsters and random people asked for our picture and we got extra free drinks at the galleries for being dressed up so crazy :D

Photos by This is Cosplay and Flash Fotography.
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