
Mimori Revolution! (start)

After deciding to go with Mimori (which is the only costume I will 100% not matter what take to Animazement), I had to start ordering all the parts to get her together to make sure everything will get here on time, and some of stuff has finally started arriving, I'm really excited to see it all coming together!

The first thing to get my order in for, was the wig. It's pretty amazing that these days there are retailers that make character wigs that are almost an exact match. I remember back in the older days when there wasn't much of a wig selection. I got this wig from moemall.com (through eBay.)

I think there's one other retailer that has a Mimori wig, but it seemed too pink. When this one came in I was really happy to see that the fibers were nice, it has a good amount of volume and the color is a lovely magenta/purple with the bottom half in a cotton candy pink. I think the wig is too long... but that will turn out in my favor since I still have to modify it to give more bounce and fluff and recreate that puffiness in Mimori's hair.

The second item I scrambled (and spent a great deal of time shopping for) was pink contact lenses. I finally decided on Vassen's Jewel Pink circle lenses. I felt that going for a pinker hue would make the eyes too creepy... this pink is kinda subtle and almost purple looking on my dark brown eyes, but it lightens them enough. It's my first time trying circle lenses, and wow it totally makes your eyes bigger. It woulda been the best to find contacts that also had a hear design on them!

The third item was the boots! Melvinopolis scouted the web and chose these lace up high heel boots for us. They're more cheaply made than expected, but I guess that's fine for the price. They just barely fit my massive calves and that's all that matters in the end.
The real AKB48 wears flat heeled lace-up boots.
The anime design adds a bit of heel to the boots, each girl wears them slightly different.

Mimori's boots reach mid-calf.

Another item where my leg-girth was a concern was the white thigh-highs. I've tried to go around this issue in the past by cutting up opaque pantyhose to make my own thigh-highs (because most readily available ones bare reach above my knee). Since SockDreams is currently out of the Extraordinary thigh highs, I went for the only other pair that seemed to be getting good enough reviews as far as coverage and fit goes: American Apparel's solid cotton thigh highs. These shipped super fast! I was amazed when they went all the way up to my hip, I even have to scrunch-them down to the height I want. The only downside is that they are definitely meant to be worn during winter, and here I will be enduring them in a summer con...

Finally, I also got the black petticoat. I was super excited to get all this stuff together I did some test photos putting together some clothes I already had to kinda sorta make it look like the uniform, so here's what Mimori is looking like so far!

this is the right skirt length, no?

are my pheromones...

..coming out?

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